
Stripes and Mesh Pretty

Often, the only thing that’s holding us back are our thoughts toward ourselves. We’re focused on our mistakes, how we blew it, how we didn't measure up. But, we've got to reprogram our thinking and get rid of those negative thoughts..
We can choose to cling to hurt and let it destroy our day-to-day happiness and poison our future, or we can choose to release the hurt and trust God to make it up to us.

Remember There is no limit to what God can do in and through you when you reprogram your thinking and start believing that you’re blessed, valuable, one of a kind and more than a conqueror. When you renew your mind, transformations take place.Happy Thursday loves :). Hope you guys like this look.  

Till next time


Top: Incity
Skirt: New Yorker
Bag: Incity
Shoes: Stradivarius


Unknown said...

thank you love :)